Monday, January 18, 2010

Another One Down...

Logan's 7-month lung x-ray came back clear! You go boy!!

Now if we can just get him to stop eating DIRT!! ugh!
The vet prescribed Flinstones vitamins with iron (2 x day). Hopefully that will help!


  1. I found your blog searching for what a mandibulectomy is like post-op. I am fostering an older yellow lab (kinda looks like Logan but chubbier!) who is scheduled for a mandibulectomy on Tuesday and found lots of useful info here. I noticed you have not posted in awhile and hope that Logan is still doing well.
    I am hoping Mandy's lump is benign but the vet had that look on his face... hope to find out tomorrow.
    Dana, Moose & Mandy

  2. Found your blog when searching for mandibular osteosarcoma - we are in this situation currently with our black lab. I am wondering looking back if you would do it all again. Did Logan continue to do well with his jaw? Thank you for writing this!
